There are different price range options for you to choose from. The price is not solely based on "X" ratings. Instead, we factor in the amount of work we put into your hat. The hat that requires the least amount of work costs less. Either way, you're getting 100% beaver hat. It's a matter of choosing how sharp you want your hat to look and feel. Contact us and we'll work with you and the details you want in your hat.
Our Price range vary from $500 to $800 plus shipping and insurance. Once again, we do not use anything less than 100% beaver felt. Every hat is hand creased and hand sewn, using top quality everything. Unlike other hat companies, we don't even bother with a mixture of rabbit hair felts.
The price range may vary from one customer to the other because of different preferences, style, and additions. Some like it plain and simple. Some like a very decorative hat. The headband choice also varies from one customer to the other. Different hat shapes also vary in time requirement for creasing, shaping and forming. Here we believe in paying for what we are getting, therefore we want to extend the same principles to our customers. This is our definition of a truly customized hat. When you think about the "Code Of West" principle we want you to think about our hats in the same fashion.
Contact us and we'll help you with a very fair price quote, without any obligations. We know that you will only place an order when you are confident about making the investment.