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Proper care will greatly increase the life and enjoyment of your buckaroo hat. This guide will cover Fit, Hat Care, Storage, Cleaning, Shaping and Hat Etiquette. We will also talk about some of the hat care products we carry to help you get the most out of your buckaroo hat.



Generally, buckaroo hats should be worn ½" above your ears. However, we believe that your hat should be worn how it feels best to you. 

The hat should fit slightly snug all around your head but not so that it hurts or gives you a headache. 

Hats that are too tight may be stretched up to the next size. If your hat is tight, a Hat Jack may be used inside the band to help hold its size when not being worn. 

If your hat is too loose, we can put some foam tape under the sweat band to tighten up the fit and customize your hat to fit your head. 

Sometimes during the hotter months, your hat may get tighter. This is usually caused by removing your hat with a damp sweat band and allowing the leather sweat band to dry too rapidly. 



Only touch your hat with clean dry hands, so that you do not leave dirt or skin oils on your hat. 

Only handle your hat by the brim, not the crown or pinch, these are easily crushed or misshapen. To put on or adjust your hat, hold the front and back of the brim just next to the crown with four fingers. 

Never leave your hat in a hot car, trailer, show box, closet or anywhere that is exceptionally hot. The heat may cause your hat to lose its shape or the sweat band to shrink and your hat may not fit properly. Direct exposure to sunlight also may cause buckaroo hats to fade and lose their color. 

Use an inexpensive plastic rain protector for wet conditions to keep your hat dry and to keep it from losing its shape. 

Occasionally flip down the sweatband so that it can dry and air out. Be very careful in cleaning a sweatband. Do not get the hat wet or it may stain. 

A hat carrier is a great investment if you travel with your hat and are not wearing it. 



Store your hat in a hat box or plastic hat carrier while you're driving. 

Store your hat in a cool dark dry place. 

Clean your hat before storing for long periods of time. 



You can always bring your hat to local wear store to have one of their hat professionals clean and shape it for you. We can also advise you on most questions you might have on your new hat. 



Cleaning powders are available to help remove light stains. Sprinkle powder on the spot and use a hat sponge in a circular pattern to gently rub the powder into the spot. Do not rub so hard as to remove fur from the hat. Brush powder off

A vacuum with a brush attachment can be used to remove dust & dirt from your hat. 

Be careful as a small amount of fur will remain in the brush or sponge after each use. You should have a different hat brush or sponge for each color of hat that you have to keep from transferring the different color furs from your other hats to the hat you are brushing. This is especially important when cleaning a dark hat with a brush from a light hat or vice versa. To make this easier, hat brushes are available with light colored bristles to use on lighter colored hats and black bristles to use on dark hats. Sponges come in packages of two so you can use them on different colors if necessary. 

Brush or sponge the crown from front to back. 

Brush clockwise on the underside of the brim. 

Begin on the left side and brush or sponge the brim & crown counter clockwise (as you hold your hat with the back facing the floor) with the direction of the fur nap. This will help keep your hat dust free and looking good. 

Always wash your hands before cleaning or handling a hat, especially if you'll be handling light and dark colored hats at the same time. Have a clean place to work on your hat. 
of hat when done. Steam the area to restore nap to the fur. 

You can use a lint roller or painters tape to remove stubborn lint. 

If you get something sticky or dirty splashed on your hat, or if a soft drink or beer gets sprayed on your hat, immediately run it under a gentle stream of room temperature water and use the side end of your index finger to quickly but softly rub the stain area. When you feel that the stain is washed out (this should take less than a minute, depending on the depth of the stain) stop and let the hat dry naturally. Remember... you must try to remove these stains before they dry. 

Do not use a hair dryer or other heat source to dry your hat as it may shrink the sweat band or cause the hat to lose its shape. 



Fur felt hats may be reshaped using steam from your tea kettle. Apply a light coat of steam to the part of your hat that you would like to reshape. Do not soak the hat. Then with your hands, form the portion of the hat to the shape that you want and hold until dry. Repeat as needed. Apply hat stiffener spray to restore body to the fur felt and to help hold the shape. 

Important Note: Take great care as not to steam the leather sweatband found inside of your hat. Real genuine leather WILL shrink so do not allow that to happen. Only steam the brim and the crown without touching the sweat headband.



Hats are to be removed for the national anthem, the passing of the flag and funeral processions. 

A gentleman should always tip his hat to a lady when greeting or passing her. It's charming and an act of courtesy and respect. He should replace his hat after passing or after they greet each other and start to walk or talk. 

It is considered proper for a man to remove his hat on an elevator, especially if a lady is present. 

A gentleman should always take his hat off in a restaurant, unless no arrangements are made for him to hang his hat or to have it checked. 

It is considered inappropriate for men to wear a hat in a church unless they are participating in a wedding. 

A removed hat should be held in the hand in such a way that shows only the outside. The lining should never be visible. 

Please contact us with all of your questions. 


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